State Purchasing Contracts
State Contracts We Are Approved On
Playgrounds - Utah State Purchasing Contract #PA4316
The State of Utah Purchasing Division awarded our manufacturer, Landscape Structures with the Naspo State Purchasing Contract for playground equipment, fitness equipment, site furnishings and fabric shade. This allows all government entities to utilize the state contract to purchase these products at a discounted price and avoid the bidding process. Utilizing this contract will ensure that you will receive the highest quality products as well as get you the exact design you want because you won't have to go through the bidding process.
Metal Shade Pavilions - State Cooperative Contract #MA3407
Sonntag Recreation was awarded the State of Utah "BEST VALUE" Cooperative Contract for Prefabricated Metal Shelters. This allows all government entities to utilize the state contract to purchase these products at a discounted price and avoid the bidding process. Utilizing this contract will ensure that you will receive the highest quality products as well as get you the exact design you are looking for.
Cooperative Purchasing Contracts
Sourcewell State Cooperative Purchasing Contract #010521-LSI
What is co-op purchasing and how does it work?
Cooperative Purchasing allows eligible entities (state, local, and tribal governments) to purchase from approved industry partners, at any time, for any reason, using any funds available. - U.S. General Services Administration​
Co-op Purchasing allows eligible customers to streamline the procurement process by skipping the bidding process and going directly to an approved/preferred vendor.
"With cooperative purchasing, one agency — sometimes referred to as the cooperative purchaser — goes through the bidding process and awards a contract to a vendor. Other government organizations — and in some instances, non-profits— can then piggyback off of this contract" - Holly Welles: 'The Economic Benefits of Cooperative Purchasing'
What can be purchased off of the Sourcewell Co-op Contract?
Standard & Custom Playgrounds
Inclusive & Accessible Play
Freestanding Play Playground/Fitness Equipment
Aquatix Splashpad Play
Skyways Shade Structures
Skyways Commercial Shade Sails
Surfacing & Site Furnishings
Installation Solutions
Related Site Work
Independent Safety Audits